Each member is expected to effectively contribute in a positive way to the realization of the objects of ATCA by, but not limited to:

  1. Providing the Secretariat with a profile indicating contact details, officials/contact persons, areas of interest and specialization in tobacco control, affiliation to any other organisations and organizational activities;
  2. lndicating to the Secretariat which action group(s) they wish to participate in;
  3.  Disclosing information to the Secretariat relating to the source of their financing and support on the understanding that the Secretariat shall keep this information confidential;
  4. Furnishing relevant, accurate and timely information and/or reports to the Secretariat for attention and action ;
  5. Disseminating relevant information and research findings to all relevant stakeholders of ATCA;
  6. Partner, engage, network and foster creative linkages with other ATCA members for effective tobacco control in Africa; and
  7. Contributing resources, including institutional, technical and human resources to advance ATCA’s work in tobacco control.

