Tag - Control

USA: Quit & Thrive Challenge: Community-Derived Solutions to Reduce Menthol Cigarette Smoking

ODP and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) are sponsoring the Quit & Thrive Challenge: Community-Derived Solutions to Reduce Menthol Cigarette Smoking to enhance the evidence base of interventions to help individuals from populations experiencing health disparities quit smoking, with a specific emphasis on menthol cigarettes. This Challenge encourages submissions from local and...

Announcing a new interactive data analytics platform to monitor FCTC treaty implementation

The Global Tobacco Control Progress Hub is a new interactive data analytics platform that provides a “window on the world” of WHO FCTC treaty implementation. The platform was launched in 2022 by ASH Canada and the Institute for Global Tobacco Control at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. The main purpose of the...

