Tag - Study

New study adds to evidence that bans of menthol cigarettes help smokers to quit

A new study concludes that the 2020 European ban on menthol cigarettes made it more likely that menthol smokers would quit smoking, supporting previous Canadian research on the positive public health impact of banning menthol cigarettes. Christina Kyriakos, from Imperial College London, led the study in collaboration with researchers from Maastricht University and the Trimbos...

How tobacco industry keeps smokers hooked

In Summary Two studies from the UK identify the use of price smoothing and package downsizing strategies by the tobacco industry. The other strategy employed by the industry revolves around reclassification of products or changing their physical attributes. In 2018 only 38 countries, covering 14 per cent of the global population, had adequately high tobacco...

Study exposes link between illicit tobacco trade and tax evasion

The multinational tobacco companies have been trying to evade millions of rupees in taxes under the pretext of exaggerated illicit trade of the product in the country, reveals a study. The Center for Global and Strategic Studies [CGSS] has conducted a research study titled “Illicit Trade in Tobacco: A Dossier on Contributing Factors and its...

