Tag - WHO Report

Our interventions on the WHO report on the global tobacco epidemic 2023

Interview on the BBC's "Focus on Africa" Live from Addis Ababa, the Board Chairperson of the African Tobacco Control Alliance (ATCA), Mr. Akinbode Oluwafemi was guest on the BBC program "Focus on Africa" of 01 August 2023 both on radio and TV. He discussed implementation of the WHO FCTC in Africa following the release of...

SA ‘taking baby steps’ in reducing smoking — WHO report

SA is one of the countries that is steadily reducing its smoking rates thanks to its anti-tobacco policies, but other low-income African countries such as Uganda and Kenya are doing even better. This is according to a new report by the World Health Organisation (WHO). According to the fourth WHO global tobacco trends report, smoking rates...

We unpack what some African countries are doing about tobacco control

Rapid population growth, increased advertising by the tobacco industry, and growing tobacco consumption among young people in Africa all contribute to a projected massive tobacco-related burden of disease. The World Health Organisation (WHO) estimates that one in five African adolescents use tobacco. The WHO also forecast a doubling of deaths related to tobacco use...

“Tobacco industry used Covid-19 pandemic to build influence with governments”, WHO report

The fourth WHO global tobacco trends report release shows that there are 1.30 billion tobacco users globally compared to 1.32 billion in 2015. This number is expected to drop to 1.27 billion by 2025. Sixty countries are now on track to achieving the voluntary global target of a 30% reduction in tobacco use between...

Africa must strive to keep low its rate of current and projected sales of new technology tobacco products

Statement of Leonce SESSOU, Executive Secretary of the African Tobacco Control Alliance (ATCA) on the Release of the WHO Report on the Global Tobacco Epidemic, 2021. FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Lomé, 11 August 2021 Published on 27 July 2021, the WHO Report on the Global Tobacco Epidemic, 2021 makes a firm reminder that Electronic Nicotine Delivery Systems (ENDS)...

New WHO report shows how manufacturers attempt to avoid regulation of e-cigarettes and heated tobacco products

A new WHO report “Litigation relevant to regulation of novel and emerging nicotine and tobacco products: comparison across jurisdictions” offers governments examples of the legal arguments that industry has used in attempts to evade or minimize regulation, as well as how courts have addressed those arguments. In recent years, regulation of novel and emerging nicotine...

New WHO report reveals urgency of confronting tobacco use among women

A new report by WHO/Europe about women and the tobacco epidemic has been launched. The report, “Through a gender lens: women and tobacco in the WHO European Region”, has revealed that, although tobacco use among women is decreasing overall, the rate is going down at a much slower pace than in men, and in...

