ATCA in 2022

ATCA in 2022

As a regional organisation coordinating tobacco control civil society initiatives in the continent, ATCA works to foster synergy with other tobacco control stakeholders, and ensure mobilisation, capacity building and coordination for effective tobacco control in Africa.

The alliance has acquired skills, knowledge and expertise in various tobacco control domains and support parties, leading to major tobacco control successes in the continent.

It will continue strengthening and diversifying its human resources, reinforcing its governance, expanding its niche and extending the reach of its interventions in order to ensure acceleration of the implementation of the WHO FCTC in line with its Strategic Plan 2019-2023 which aims to contribute to a reduction in prevalence of tobacco use and mortality from NCDs in Africa.

The alliance will profit from a wide range of factors to improve tobacco control in Africa, including its:

  • experience accumulated in technical domains like tobacco industry monitoring, countering industry tactics, communication for tobacco control, as well as administrative domains like financial and organizational development;
  • wide coverage with membership in 39 countries which gives it a broad reach across the continent;
  • established communication hub for tobacco control in Africa;
  • consultative international status including Special Consultative Status to the UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) and Observer Status to the Conference of the Parties of the FCTC, which will permit it to have a voice and more influence in the African and global tobacco control spheres.

