International News

Government must amend India’s Tobacco Control Act Inbox

A new report titled “Tobacco Control Law in India – Origins and Proposed Reforms” revealed that there are glaring gaps in the existing tobacco control legislation COTPA 2003. Smoking areas are allowed in restaurants, hotels and airports despite a ban on smoking places in India; tobacco advertisements and products are prominently displayed in stores and...

Tobacco Control Bill to help address NCDs, says Tufton

MINISTER of Health and Wellness Dr Christopher Tufton on Tuesday tabled in Parliament the Tobacco Control Bill, the acceptance into law of which is to help address the epidemic of non-communicable diseases (NCDs) affecting Jamaica. NCDs – including cardiovascular diseases, cancers, chronic respiratory diseases, and diabetes – are caused by four major behavioural risk factors,...

Brexit offers opportunities to strengthen UK’s tobacco control measures

Brexit offers the UK opportunities to strengthen its world-leading tobacco control measures, by creating greater flexibility to respond to industry action and market developments, according to new research from the University of Bath. The UK is currently bound by EU rules, but will enjoy greater freedom to adopt types of tobacco tax that are more...

Report reveals tobacco industry’s moves to shape policy in Bangladesh

Government’s policy agenda in Bangladesh is still highly vulnerable to the interference of the tobacco industry, according to a study report revealed on Saturday. Tobacco companies have managed to exploit the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic to the fullest for their benefit. The tobacco companies have particularly used their Corporate Social Responsibilities (CSR) as a pretense to...

WHO launches year-long campaign to help 100 million people quit tobacco

WHO today launches a year-long global campaign for World No Tobacco Day 2021 - “Commit to Quit." The new WHO Quit Challenge on WhatsApp and publication “More than 100 reasons to quit tobacco" are being released today to mark the start of the campaign. The COVID-19 pandemic has led to millions of tobacco users saying...

New WHO report reveals that while smoking continues to decline among European adolescents, the use of electronic cigarettes by young people is on the rise

Tobacco use among young people in the WHO European Region remains a public health concern. Despite the overall downward trend, several countries of the Region observed an increase in tobacco use prevalence among young people in the latest round of the Global Youth Tobacco Survey. While cigarettes remain the most used form of tobacco...

