Tag - GTNF

Kenya ought to lead with science in the control of tobacco

Tobacco smoking claims the lives of more than 8,000 Kenyans every year, according to the Tobacco Control Study released by the Ministry of Health earlier this year. Yet, Kenya is lagging in embracing the latest scientifically evidenced innovative and sustainable methods on how to help smokers quit. Non-evidence-based policymaking and misinformation are considered some of...

Africa: The state of Tobacco Harm Reduction in Africa

The 4th Scientific Summit on Tobacco Harm Reduction took place on September 29 and 30th, 2021. Organized by SCHORE, the International Association on Smoking Control which "vision is to eliminate smoking and smoking-related diseases all together", the summit reunited experts on tobacco, other substance use disorders specialists, and harm reduction professionals. There is an ongoing...

Could snus be the solution to Africa’s rising smoking rates?

“Sweden has the lowest smoking rates and the lowest rate of smoking-related deaths in Europe. When are we going to learn from them?” These were the sentiments echoed by Dr. Kgosi Letlape, head of the Africa Medical Association. Dr. Letlape has hailed snus for its ability to help cut smoking rates across Scandinavia. He also expressed frustration at...

